Alterations to approved plans (grant of permission ref pl06s. 243151 and pa reg ref sd13a/0271) consisting of the following to be constructed in a minimum of two phases:

The construction of a similar 2 storey data centre with a gross floor area of c. 44,323sq.M associated single storey combined heat and power plant (energy centre) with a gross floor area of c. 7,109sq.M with ancillary 2 storey operations building with a partial basement with a gross floor area of c. 2,998sq. M.

The data centre shall comprise the following uses: offices, canteen, computer and associated support areas, electrical component rooms, plant and associated equipment.

The combined heat and power plant shall comprise the following uses: generator and gas-fired engine rooms, boiler rooms, chiller rooms, plant and associated equipment. On the site are previously granted gas pressure reduction station and previously granted 110kv substation solely for the use of crag digital limited in support of this development.

Also proposed as revisions are removal of 2 end masts for undergrounding of overhead 38kV Power Lines, revisions to Security Hut, omission of Cooling Towers and all revised associated storage tanks, flues, access roads, services, entrance gates and perimeter fencing at 3m high, landscaping and infrastructure inclusive of 94 car parking spaces, retention pond and revised diversion of existing 1200mm diameter arterial sewer as agreed with Irish Water, and all sundry associated minor works. The development will be consequent on previously granted demolition of the existing logistics centre and associated ancillary buildings, retention of existing mobile phone mast and ancillary plant.

3-4 Crag Avenue

Plans Applied

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