09/06/2020: Purcel Construction have been appointed as main contractors on this project.

National Train Control Centre (NTCC) – Building Construction.

The National Train Control Centre is a new 5 storey building with partial basement to be constructed at Heuston Station Dublin. This facility will become the signalling control centre for Irish Rail and will also house a number of other third party traffic control centres. The building will be located within a secure compound with a number of car park spaces. Mechanical and Electrical systems form a significant element of the building.

The building will be split over five floors and at 5,500 sqm, in addition to the National Train Control Centre the building will also host the metropolitan unit of An Garda Síochána and the traffic management section of Dublin City Council.

It will also manage a large proportion of the State’s emergency 999/112 calls, and will host the Dublin City Council unit responsible for monitoring events such as St Patrick’s Day or a State visits.

To find out more details on this Transport Development in Dublin Started on 18th June 2020 take the free trial here.

Heuston Station


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