Demolition of two wards and part of the link corridor at the east of the site, (4.698ha) and the construction of a two storey extension (3720 Sqm total gross floor space), a single storey link corridor (47.4 sqm gross floor space), raising the parapet of the existing link corridor at the east of the site by approx 1, and the provision of an electrical backup generator 8.5 sqm, medical gas enclosure 125 sqm and vacuum planet enclosure 155sqm in the service area at the north west of the site. The extension will include 70 single bedrooms, 2 two bedrooms and associated support and ancillary accommodation and it will replace the existing 6 bed rooms in the ward to be demolished. The development will also consist of the following works; Modifications to the existing perimeter road to the east of the site, reconfiguration of hard standing area located between the two wards to the south east of the site to provide 17 car parking spaces, alterations to existing site services.


New Build and Alteration Works to Sacred Heart Hospital Community Nursing Unit Castlebar.

To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Mayo Started on 27th June 2016 take the free trial here.

Sacred Heart Hospital


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