Construction of a new wastewater treatment plant, interceptor sewers including storm water overflows and stormwater storage, sea outfall pipelines, and an upgrade to a section of the coastal revetment all in the townlands of Arklow, Tinahask Lower and Ferrybank, County Wicklow.

The new sewerage plant will provide secondary treatment with a capacity of 24,000 Population Equivalent (PE) upgradable to 36,000 PE. The project will also include two interceptor sewer pipelines to bring untreated wastewater to the plant and a marine sea outfall pipe to discharge the treated wastewater effluent to the Irish Sea.

The scope of works for Arklow Wastewater Treatment Plant is as follows:

• New wastewater treatment plant providing secondary treatment with a capacity of 24,000 Population Equivalent (PE) upgradable to 36,000 PE.

• Storm water tank with a capacity of 3,150 cubic metres (m3).

• 930 metre long sea outfall for treated effluent.

• Short sea outfall for storm water overflows.

• Upgrade rock armour on shoreline adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant.

• Extensive collection network upgrades and provision of storm water storm water tanks including for example 120 metre tunnel under the Avoca River and associated storm water overflow.

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Wicklow Started on 2021-08-30 take the free trial here.



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