For development consisting of extension to existing facility, the proposed works include
(1) erect a new 6 storey 42m high dryer plant (6,522m2) adjoining the existing dryer facility,
(2) erect a 2 storey adjoining building (746m2) with changing facilities and canteen at ground floor with offices at first floor,
(3) construct a new entrance on to and exit from the n3 including road improvement work to the n3 with a new right turning junction to access the facility,
(4) construct a new single storey security hut (28m2) and reception (36m2),
(5) construct 218 new car parking spaces,
(6) construct a new milk intake building (487 m2),
(7) alterations to the existing silo farm and construction of a single storey silo access building (112m2) between silos,
(8) construct 4 no new storage silos
(9) upgrade works to the waste water treatment plant including extension to administration building (20m2) and miscellaneous site works including underground drainage, landscaping, provision of 2 no. Ne
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Cavan Applied for on 9th May 2018 take the free trial here.