Amendments to housetypes of units 03, 61 & 75, including revised site arrangement of adjoining properties units 60, 62, 63 & 64. Unit no. 61 is proposed to change from previously approved 2-bed housetype a to 3 bed housetype; unit 03 is proposed to change from previously approved 4-bed housetype g to 3-bed housetype b2; unit 75 is proposed to change from previously approved 3-bed housetype b2 to 4-bed house type g. The application also proposes revisions to 6 instances of previously approved house type f, comprising of a rear first floor extension of 3sqm and associated facade changes in each instance. The site is bounded by Ongar Road, Blackwood Park and Kribensis Manor to the north, the proposed N3-N4 link road reservation to the east, the M3 Parkway commuter railway line to the south and Barnhill Road (R 149) to the west. The site wraps around a bakery and 2 existing dwellings adjoining Barnhill Bridge. The development is on lands within the boundaries of Hansfield Strategic Development Zone as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 273 of 2001.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 21st October 2016 take the free trial here.