The change of use of 766m2 of ground floor space of existing 17,300 m2 manufacturing, testing, warehouse and office facility from manufacturing facility use to office, call centre, business continuity and recovery, and science and technology use with associated amendments to floor plans.
Together with the replacement of the existing external ramp and steps with new escape stairs and escape ramp to the east elevation.

New windows are proposed at ground floor level, including 4550mm x 2150mm window to south elevation, 45550x2150mm windows to north elevation and 3 no. 4550x2150mm windows with new escape door to east elevation, together with the installation of 4 no. 1000x4000mm roof lights and ancillary site and landscaping works.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Started on 2018-08-13 take the free trial here.

Service Building 6


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