The demolition of the existing lidl licenced discount foodstore (1. 255 sq m gross floor area with 997 sq m net retail sales area) and the construction of a new mono-pitched licenced discount foodstore with ancillary infrastructure and associated site development works (all totalling 2,680. 5 sq m gross floor area and ranging in height equivalent from 1 to 2 storeys), at this site of approximately 1. 110 hectares. The construction of the proposed new licenced discount foodstore (2,624 sq m gross floor area) comprises of: a retail sales area with ancillary off-licence use and bakery (total net retail sales area of 1,424 sq m), entrance pod, public facilities (incl. Lobby and toilets), staff facilities, operational office, storage (incl. Cold storage), stairs and lift to first floor, plant room and delivery area, all at ground floor level; staff welfare (incl. Toilets, change rooms and staff canteen area), roof terrace, meeting room, it room, cleaning room, stairs and lift from ground

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Offaly Started on 8th May 2018 take the free trial here.

Tullamore Road


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