Permission for the development at new ross community hospital, hospital road, new ross, co. Wexford, a protected structure. The development will consist of 1) a new single storey mono-pitch and flat roofed 8 no. Ensuite bedroom extension, with activity room, covered seating area and ancillary accommodation, to the rear of the existing hospital, along with alterations to the existing drainage layout. 2) alterations to 2 no. Existing rear windows to create the link to the new extension, along with infill of an existing side exit doorway, to match existing windows. 3) re-alignment and widening of a section of the existing access roadway to the rear of the existing hospital. 4) provisionof a new enclosed residents garden, with ancillary new landscaping and paving works around the new extension, including the removal of 1 no. Mature tree.

To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Wexford Started on 2016-01-04 take the free trial here.

New Ross Urban


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