Arden road housing western section comprising
(i) The construction of 88 no. Residential dwellings as part of an overall masterplan for the larger landbank which is envisaged to accommodate a total of 173 residential units when complete. This western section will comprise 88 no dwellings including 20 no 2 bedroom/1 storey houses, 20 no 2 bedroom/2storey houses, 36 no 3 bedroom/1 storey houses and 12 no 4 bedroom 2 storey houses,
(ii) Construction of a vehicular access and egress point on the arden road, and construction and modification of the vehicle access and egress point to the ballin ri residential estate including modification to, and tie-in with the existing footpath and road infrastructure along the Arden road (r421) and ballin ri residential estate,
(iii) Car parking including 8 no electric vehicle charge points and bicycle parking facilities,
(iv) Associated landscaping and
(v) All associated site development works including roads, paths, paving, parking bays, drainage, street lighting
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Offaly Applied for on 28th May 2021 take the free trial here.