EXTENSION OF DURATION OF (11/500034) For the demolition of lot numbers 11A, 11B, 11C & 12 Arundel Square, City Square Shopping Centre, Sullys Snooker Hall Unit 10 Peter Street (off Sullys Lane) and Units 8, 9/9A & 10 on the Peter Street Mall. The works will comprise the construction of a new two storey block of retail accommodation of 1760m2 adjoining the Peter Street Mall and Arundel Square, comprising 2 no. retail units. The retail accommodation will comprise a two storey unit (1303m2), a single storey unit (169m2), a remote store at first floor (44m2) and a store (85m2) associated with existing Unit No. 12 Peter Street Mall, at first floor over Sullys Lane. The proposal will also include a stair core and screened area of plant at roof level and a new gate on Sullys Lane
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Waterford Granted permission on 1st December 2015 take the free trial here.