Construction of a new school building comprising 1 no. 3 storey, 600 pupil, Post Primary school building (Roll No:68263P) with physical education hall, support teaching spaces and ancillary accommodation, with a total floor area of 9050m.sq The site works to the school grounds will consist of the provision of 150 no. cycle storage spaces, bin store/external store, ball courts, secure special play area, 1 no. 50m.sq external material storage building for wood and metal work studies with associated covered work area, landscaping and new entrance gates, boundary treatment and all other associated site development works. The works to the remainder of the site consist of the provision of 67 no. car parking spaces, 4 no. disabled access car parking spaces, drop-off and pick-up facilities all on a site C. 3.97 Hectares.

To find out more details on this School Development in Cork Applied for on 2018-08-24 take the free trial here.

Carrigaline Road

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