PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning Permission for amendments to a previously permitted planning permission, Reg. Ref. DSDZ 2661/17 for development at a site of 1.35 hectares located at the junction of North Wall Quay and New Wapping Street, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1. The site is bound to the north by Mayor Street Upper, to the east by New Wapping Street, to the south by North Wall Quay and to the west by an unnamed street. The application site includes the former British Rail Hotel on 58-59 North Wall Quay, a protected structure (RPS 5838), and associated granite walls, railings, gates and adjoining setts in cul-de-sac, which are also protected structures (RPS 5839).
The proposed amendments result in a total gross floor area of c. 58,670 sq.m (excluding basement c. 7,948 sq.m and sub-basement c. 2,503 sq.m), comprising of c. 8,926 sq.m of hotel and associated uses, c. 48,436 sq.m of office use, c. 1138 sq.m of retail/restaurant / café uses, 170 sq.m of community use, above a lower ground floor and 2 no. basement levels. The application relates to a proposed development within a Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area. The proposed amendments comprise of the following:
Building 1A (Protected Structure) – Omission of permitted revolving doors under Reg. Ref. DSDZ2661/17 and retention of existing entrance doors fronting North Wall Quay; – Omission of revolving doors to the rear of the protected structure adjoining building 1B at ground floor level on the east and western elevations and replacement with sliding door openings; – Amendments to elevations to accommodate the proposed amendments;
Building 1B – Omission of core on northern elevation building 1B and replacement with 2 no. cores to serve building 1B located to the north east corner and south west corner of the building; – Permitted link bridge between building 1B and building 4 at 2nd to 5th floor level omitted and replacement with 2 no. bridge links around a central atrium level at 2nd to 5th floor level; – Provision of new bridge links from building 1B to building 4 at 1st floor level; Provision of retail space at ground floor level to the north western corner of Building 1B; – Internal reconfiguration of ground floor level of building 1B; – Internal reconfiguration of office floor plate from 1st to 6th floor level; Amendments to all elevations to accommodate the proposed amendments.
Building 2 – Revised hotel layout to provide for 204 no. bedrooms; – Revised lower ground floor level to provide for bar/ restaurant area and ancillary hotel back of house areas; – Revised ground floor plans including new hotel reception and entrance doors accessed from the east/ west street; – Relocation of building cores; – Provision of café/ lounge area at ground floor level fronting Station Square to the west and Mayor Street to the north with direct access on the western elevation; – Provision of ancillary office and hotel back of house at ground floor level; – Provision of a mezzanine level comprising of a lobby area and meeting rooms; – Infill of small set back area at first floor level to Mayor Street to be in line with the upper floors; – Lightwell at ground floor level to lower ground floor level removed to extend floor plate at ground floor level in line with the street; – Revised roof plan to include plant, PV panels and provision of green roof; – Amendments to all elevations to accommodate the proposed amendments.
Building 3 – Reconfiguration of building 3 to accommodate the provision of new link bridges between building 3 and building 4. One new link on each floor from 2nd to 5th floor inclusive; – The link bridges will contain accessible balustraded roofs; – Provision of an accessible setback at 6th floor level on the south, east and western elevations to link into the accessible terrace at the northern elevation; – Revised roof plan to include plant, PV panels and provision of green roof; – Amendments to all elevations to accommodate the proposed amendments;
Building 4 – Revised internal configuration of building 4 to include the provision of a café/ restaurant at ground floor level accessible from the new east/ west street and revised office floor plates; – Omission of building core to the northern portion of the building and replacements with new stairs to the northeastern corner of the building; – Relocation of toilet core to the southern core of the building; – Revised lower ground floor level increasing the office floorplate – Revised building entrance to North Wall Quay including revised access doors and internal configuration of reception area; – Revised building floor plates on all levels to accommodate the provision of new link bridges to Building 1B and Building 3; – Provision of atrium within the building;
– Increase in area of accessible terrace to the western elevation at 6th floor level; – Revised 7th floor plan to include increased accessible terrace and set back walkway at 7th and 8th floor level; – Revised roof plan to provide for an accessible roof terrace and revised plant/ green roof area; – Amendments to all elevations to accommodate the proposed amendments. The proposed amendments also include the provision of a revised access to the permitted north/ south galleria between building 1A/1B and building 4; revised basement and sub basement level including revised plant rooms; storage, changing rooms, hotel back of house, car parking layout (146 no. spaces) and cycle parking layout (620 no. spaces) revised lower ground floor level including revised office and hotel layouts and in response to the revised building layouts above, revised landscaping proposals, revised roof profile of all buildings 1B, 2, 3 and 4 to accommodate revision to plant areas, SUDS drainage and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development.