Permission is sought a) various demolition of poor quality, late 20th century additions to the property, namely the demolition of the existing single storey annexes and 3 storey escape stairs annex, to the rear (South) and the side (West) of Drumcora House, b) the change of use from social club to residential use of Drumcora house, c) the construction of part 1 storey, part 3 storey extensions to the East and West gables of the existing structure to provide 4no. 2-bedroom apartments and 1no. 2 storey duplex on the ground, first and second floors. D) the construction of 1 no. Storey 2-bedroom duplex unit to the southwest corner of the site adjacent to blackrock road, e)the construction of 1no 2 storey 4-bedroom detached dwelling house to the East of Drumcora House, f) connections to public foul & surface water sewers & public mains water for the new residential structures, g) bin stores, temporary site signage & all necessary & ancillary site works to complete the develo
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Applied for on 18th May 2018 take the free trial here.