permission for a development consisting of the construction of (1) 1 no. single storey type extension to side and rear of existing premises incorporating additional loading and storage areas (2) 1 no. single storey type extension to rear of existing loading dock area incorporating an additional loading area (3) 1 no. single storey type extension to side and rear of existing premises incorporating an additional storage area (4) amendments and alterations to existing floor plan and elevations to facilitate proposed extensions (5) demolition of existing egg conveyor structure (6) single storey extension to side of existing package storage shed to supersede that previously granted under planning ref. 16/272 (7) additional car parking area with single storey covered walkway (8) all ancillary and associated facilitating site works

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Monaghan Applied for on 26th May 2021 take the free trial here.


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