Permission for development which will consist of a new stem building incorporating the schools of science and computing and the school of engineering, of 5550 sq. metres. The building is 5550 sq. metres, located to the east of the campus addressing the Ballybane Road. The building is three storeys with a recessed fourth floor and plant zone. The building is attached to the existing building at ground floor and by 2 no. Link bridges at first floor level. Internally the building contains lecture theatres, seminar rooms, laboratories, academic and social spaces. The works will include alterations of the existing gmit service road, diversion of services, the construction of a standalone transformer area, gas bottle zone and gas skid enclosure. In addition the project will provide hard paved landscape, new landscaped zone to the east of the site and a new pedestrian entrance to the building from the existing visitors car park, including signage, photovoltaic panels and all ancillary site works.

To find out more details on this University Development in Galway Granted permission on 2019-12-20 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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