Development comprising amendments to the permitted mono-pitched licenced discount foodstore (an bord pleanala reference no. Abp-302449-18, cork county council plan reg. Ref. No. 18/4037) currently under construction at this site of approximately 1.1ha at courthouse road (n72 national secondary road). The proposed development will consist of the installation of a rooftop photovoltaic solar panel array totalling 911.82sq. M and an amendment to the opening hours of 08.00 to 21.00 Monday to Saturday as permitted by condition no. 4 (a) of an bord pleanala reference no. Abp-302449-18 to 08. 00 to 22. 00 Monday to Saturday (opening hours of 09.00 to 21.00 on Sundays and public holidays to remain as currently permitted).

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Cork Granted permission on 2019-10-01 take the free trial here.

New Lidl Licenced Discount Foodstore

Plans Granted

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