Permission for the following: A) Construction of a new farmyard entrance and access road B) Construction of an agricultural building to include cubical housing and underground slatted slurry storage tanks C) Construction of an agricultural building to include a milking parlor, dairy & ancillary rooms, dry storage area, livestock waiting for the yard, handling facilities and underground storage tanks D) Construction of an agricultural building to include straw bedding E) Construction of an agricultural building for calf rearing purposes F) Construction of an agricultural building for straw & machinery storage and straw bedding area for livestock isolation & bullpens G) Construction of 2 no. silage pits, a maize pit and a dungstead H) Erection of a meal bin, external water storage tanks and external milk silo, and all associated site works
To find out more details on this Agricultural Building Development in Wexford Granted permission on 14th July 2021 take the free trial here.