Permission for development which will consist of modifications to the penrose dock office development (as permitted under cork city council planning reference 18/37909 and under construction), bounded by penrose quay/railway street/alfred street, cork city. The proposed development includes the relocation of the permitted cafe/restaurant on part of the ground floor of building a to part of the ground floor of building b, and the corresponding relocation of the permitted office use on part of the ground floor of building b to part of the ground floor of building a; the omission of ground floor entrance door on the south elevation of building a on penrose quay, to be replaced with glazing ; external seating area with canopies to the front of building b; and all associated site development and landscaping works. The proposed development is within the curtilage of the former city of cork steampacket offices (penrose house), protected structure (reference ps281).

To find out more details on this Office Development in Cork Granted permission on 2019-10-16 take the free trial here.

Building B Of The Penrose Dock Office Development

Plans Granted

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