A modification to the existing development granted under planning permission reg. ref. no.: 18/1033 – and varied by subsequent granted planning permission reg. ref. nos.: 19/734 and 19/961 – to include the following: (a) The filling in and piping of an existing open ditch/drain – approximately 150 m in length – running along the south-west boundary of the site with a new 600 mm diameter pipe. The topsoil to the ditch is to be removed with the new 600 mm diameter pipe laid on a bed of granular material. The invert level of the pipe is to match the existing ditch invert level. The area above the pipe is to be soil backfilled with a final finished layer of topsoil to be seeded with grass. Access manholes are also to be provided at various points along the length of pipe. (b) All associated site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Applied for on 2020-03-09 take the free trial here.