PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at a site within the overall RDS lands at the Sandymount Building, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Temporary permission for the use of the existing two storey Sandymount Building buildings on site as a post-primary school for a period of three years, up to July 2022. The building will comprise a six classroom post-primary school with ancillary rooms and facilities including the yard to the rear. No alterations are proposed to the Sandymount Building. The continued location of two temporary buildings on the site as permitted under Reg. Ref: 2575/17 and Reg. Ref: 3120/18 up to July 2022.

And the continued use of these buildings as a school (proposed to be a post primary school). The continued provision of physical alterations temporarily permitted under Reg. Ref: 2501/14 namely: an internal disability lift, revisions to an external fire stair and school signage on the southern facade. Vehicular access and temporary physical works to the site will remain as existing.

Temporary permission for the period up to July 2022 is sought for the following works which have already been carried out on site pursuant to Reg. Ref: 2501/14: new pedestrian gate to the west of the original entrance to match existing railings (Protected Structure); the provision of car parking spaces, external bin storage, a bicycle stand and all other ancillary works.

To find out more details on this School Development in Dublin Applied for on 2019-03-19 take the free trial here.

Sandymount Buildings

Plans Applied

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