Development consisting of two storey extension of 1571sq.m to north side of existing warehouse (building no. Ie02) and pen assembly (building no. Ie11), consisting of extended loading dock and pallet staging area, c-safe room, cold pallet warehouse, engineering store, operations corridor, plant room, including ancillary accommodation, external elevated pipe bridge and associated site works internal reordering of part of the ground floor and mezzanine level of existing warehouse (ie02) engineering stores of 226sq.m to use as storage and office use ancillary to the warehouse elevation modifications to part of north elevation of existing facade to warehouse (ie02) comprising new double doors to ground level and 3 no. External windows at mezzanine level.

To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Waterford Started on 2018-01-08 take the free trial here.

Genzyme Ireland Ltd.


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