1. Modifications to the 5 storey primary healthcare centre building permitted under prr 18/1170. The amended building will have a reduced footprint and floor area (c. 5,533m2) and the permitted top floor will be omitted. The amended building will be 4 storey plus roof level plant room. The building will have a revised internal layout incorporating two lightwells and revised elevations. The number of retail units will be reduced from 3 to 1. 2. Modifications of the external space including revised vehicular access route, 80 no. Car parking spaces (including undercroft parking) and relocation of bicycle parking and waste store. 3. Provision of windows and entrances and signage to rear of the retail unit at 22 main street. 4. Installation of a pump station and treatment plant on site to treat wastewater from the primary healthcare centre prior to discharge to the public sewer. 5. Landscaping, signage and all associated site works and services.

To find out more details on this Medical Centre Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 2019-12-19 take the free trial here.

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