Demolition of the northern two storey section of the existing St. Camillus building of St. Camillus Hospital, Limerick. The application includes for the construction of an extension to include a new two storey ward block extension and a single storey ward block. The two storey block will also contain an enclosed plantroom at roof level with escape corridor & stairwells. A new two storey entrance building will be provided incorporating a new link corridor with stairs & lifts connecting the new ward blocks to the remaining H block, the existing canteen, services and laundry buildings. The three-storey section of the hospital block will be refurbished to provide ancillary accommodation. The site works will include the construction of a landscaped courtyard to each ward block, a drop off area with overhead canopy supported by stone clad columns, an entrance plaza, 25 no. car parking spaces incorporating 3 no. disabled spaces), amendments to the existing car park, internal roads, pathways, landscaping and associated M&E & drainage infrastructure. The development will be carried out within the site of St. Camillus Hospital, Shelbourne Road, Limerick. The site contains within its curtilage four no. Protected Structures (RPS 339 Former Workhouse, RPS 340 Chapel, RPS 341 Rehabilitation Centre & RPS 342 Chimneystack). No works are proposed to these structures as part of this application.

To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Limerick Applied for on 2018-11-26 take the free trial here.

St.Camillus Hospital

Plans Applied

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