Permission for development. The development will consist of an infill residential scheme of 6 houses comprising 1 number two bedroom single story detached dwelling (215 square meters), 1 number one bedroom single story detached dwelling (70 square meters), 1 number five bedroom two storey detached dwelling (350 square meters) with lower level access with garage parking for one car and utility room, 3 number three story terraced mews houses each unit (150 square meters) with 3 bedrooms. The development will include courtyard open space, total of 10 number surface level carparking spaces (including 1 number universal access space), and bin storage facilities. The development will include the demolition and reconstruction of the existing boundary wall, and railings at the north end of the site and a new (3m wide) vehicle entrance to the middle of the site on Cunningham road. The development will include piped infrastructure, ducting, a new ESB substation, changes in level, internal roads, pathways and steps, site landscaping, and all associated site development and excavation works above and below the ground. A tree survey, assessment of existing on site planting and special measures to protect the roots and crown of significant beech and yew trees on Cunningham Road are included with the application.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2021-05-28 take the free trial here.

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