(a) Convert the existing kitchen area to toilet make the gentlemans toilet larger, close up some of the existing fire escape doors within the main hall and make new ones and (b) Construct a new extension to the side of the existing building with a lean to roof to the main building, the extension will consist of a new kitchen, staff bathroom, changing area, dry goods room, store for main hall and sluice room with all associated site works, namely retention of the development within revised site boundaries


This development relates to a proposed extension and renovation works to the existing Community Centre. These works comprise of (a) converting the existing kitchen area into a toilet, to make the gentlemen’s toilet larger, close up some of the existing fire escape doors within the main hall and replace them with new ones, and (b) construct a new extension to the side of the exiting building, with a lean-to roof onto the main building. The extension will consist of a new kitchen, staff bathroom, changing area, dry goods room, store for main hall and sluice room with all associated site works.

To find out more details on this Church & Community Development in Kerry Started on 1st October 2018 take the free trial here.

Knocknagoshel West


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