Construction of 98 no. Residential units consisting of 14 no. 2 bed terraced houses, 10 no. 3 bed end-terraced houses, 12 no. 3 bed semi-detached houses, 8 no. 4 bed semi-detached houses and 54 no. Duplex units (comprising 27 no. 1 bed units and 27 no. 3 bed units). Provision of a creche (c. 418sqm) and community facility (c. 221sqm), 142 no. Car parking spaces, 8 no. Motorcycle spaces and 102 no. Bicycle spaces. Access from the r390 (with provision for potential access via future roundabout to replace junction of r390 and r392). All site development and servicing works, bin stores, esb substation, pumping station, open space, landscaping and boundary treatments.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Westmeath Applied for on 19th June 2019 take the free trial here.