Planning permission for development will consist of: demolition of all existing buildings on the site (total gross floor area: 1205 sq.m) and construction of mixed-use development as follows:

2 no. blocks of 5 and 6 storey height over 2 basement levels.
Block A fronting James Street at 6 storeys with medical centre (132 sqm), cafe/retail at ground floor (151 sqm) above which 4 storeys of habitable dwellings totalling 16 no. apartments (1225 sqm) with a top floor of spa/relaxation rooms (185 sqm) and rooftop garden.
Block B to the rear of the site at 5 storeys comprising 4 storeys of habitable dwellings totalling 12 no. apartments with top floor of spa/relaxation rooms (136 sqm) and rooftop garden.
Total no. of apartments 28 no. units of which 8 no. 1 beds 18 no. 2 beds & 2 no. 3 beds with 49 no. bicycle parking spaces. Lower basement consisting of gym (291 sqm) pool, spa and associated facilities (859 sqm) with upper-level basement consisting of (treatment and procedure rooms and associated facilities (746 sqm). Access/egress via 4 separate points facing James Street.

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Mixed Development New Build in Dublin

177 - 179 James Street

Plans Applied

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