Amendment to the approved Planning permission under An Bord Pleanala Ref PL 09. 128762 ( Kildare County Council Ref. 01/1379) to provide for the subdivision of the use between the permitted office (floor area 1,732 sq.m.) and distribution warehouse use (8,379 sq.m.), and change of use of office area to include office / enterprise use. The proposed development also provides for the regularisation of the planning status of minor alteration to fenestration on front facade, front office entrance porch lobby area and roof level atrium works structure above office entrance; ground floor door openings on northern facade ;bicycle storage area and removal of canopy (northern facade), external smoking shelters ( at southern facade and in rear service yard); revisions to security cabin and barrier location; site entrance layout; car parking layout with reduction in 8 spaces to 154 overall; boundary treatments and landscaping; all on a site measuring c.2.4 hectares.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Kildare Granted permission on 9th November 2017 take the free trial here.

Former Adm Londis Warehouse

Plans Granted

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