Demolition of existing gp hall (approx 137 sqm) and construction of two new corridors to form new external classroom, two new link corridors, a single storey primary school extension with 4 primary school classrooms, gp hall (195 sqm), multipurpose room (20 sqm), admin office (16 sqm), 2 no set rooms (16 sqm each), library/resource room (66 sqm) and ancillary accommodation (total extension area 1,100m), 11 no near car parking spaces, 34 no bicycle spaces, new pedestrian entrance, gates, stairs and ramps and works to road, new boundary treatment and landscaping, new foul and surface water drainage, new hard play areas, new ball court, including all associated and ancillary works.

To find out more details on this School Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 2016-10-27 take the free trial here.

Kilcoole Primary School

Plans Granted

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