EXTENSION OF DURATION PARENT REF: (07/1869) Permission (P) for development within the townland of The Twenties, Drogheda. The development will consist of a total of 629no. residential units, 263sqm of retail gross floor area, 1858sqm of office gross floor area and 407sqm of creche gross floor area on lands measuring approximately 17.48ha.

The development provides for a total of 288no. dwelling houses consisting of the following; Types G & H; 96no. 4-bed semi detached houses, types I; 46no. 4-bed terraced houses, Types E & F1; 27no. 3-bed courtyard houses, Type D; 2no. 3-bed detached houses, Types F & D; 36no. 3-bed semi detached houses, Type D; 24no. 3-bed terrace houses, Type C; 57no. 2-bed terrace houses. These house types vary between 2 and 3no. stories in height.

The development also provides for a total of 341no. duplex and apartment units consisting of the following; Type B; 267no. duplex units with apartment above consisting of 178no. 3-bed duplex unit and 89no. 2-bed apartments above; Type A3; 6no. 3-bed apartments, Types A, A1 and A2; 68no. 2-bed apartments. The height of apartment blocks varies between 3 and 5no. stories with basement below. The application includes the establishment of 1no. vehicular access from the existing Twenties Lane and 3no. future vehicular access connections to the proposed realigned Twenties Lane.

Planning Permission is also sought for the demolition of 1 no. dwelling house. The development also involves the provision of 1.96ha of public open space and the provision of a total of 1163 surface, basement and podium car parking spaces along with all associated infrastructure and site development works including internal roads, bin storage, bicycle storage, landscaping and boundary treatments. Approximately 0.59ha of the site area which forms part of an overall Linear Park has been previously submitted for Planning Permission to Louth County Council under Register Reference No. 07/ 1210 by Euro Construction Corporation Ltd.

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared to accompany this application. Significant Further Information – Reduced number of houses reduced from 629 to 613 residential units plus removal of office space and conversion of office space to 3no. retail units of 382 sqm and a crèche 500 sqm in size.

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Mixed Development New Build in Louth

The Twenties

Plans Granted

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