The development of 69 no residential units with public open space and associated site works including attenuation area for surface water drainage at this site of circa 1. 45 hectares. The proposed development comprises of the construction of 5 no blocks of 23 no two storey duplexes (2 bed units) over 18 no single storey apartments(8 no 1 bed units & 10 no 2 bed units) and 5 no terraced blocks comprising of 28 no 3 bed houses; pedestrian access to apartments from the lower road & the site with access to duplexes from the site; pedestrian access to terraced houses from lower road , bower lane & site. Primary vehicular access of lower road with secondary vehicular access off bower lane (serving 4 no units only); 2539 sqm of public open space areas including a centralised landscaped area with stepped access to lower road and pedestrian access to bower lane; all hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatment; footpaths and ancillary works to ground level.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Westmeath take the free trial here.