Permission is sought for amendments to previously granted planning permission Ref. No. 17/30, 19/68 & 19/208 for development which will consist of (1) 2 no. 4 storey blocks of apartments over one level of under croft parking containing 32 no. of units per block in the following mix: 12 no. 1 bed, 42 no. 2 bed and 10 no. 3 bed apartments, amounting to 64 no. units in total along with a pedestrian access for each block from the footpath along the Western distributor Road; (2) Proposed 3 storey block containing 16 no. duplex units in the following mix: 8 no. 3 bed duplex over two storeys and 8 no. 1 bed single storey with two dedicated bin stores; (3) Creche with a total floor area of 473.53sqm and external play area of 263.99 sqm (4) A total of 114 car parking spaces and 22 bicycles secure parking for each apartment block; (5) Public realm and landscaping works; (6) Associated site development and servicing works
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Galway Applied for on 20th December 2019 take the free trial here.