Permission for a Change of Use of Unit 1 and part of Unit 2 from Warehouse to a Gym/Fitness Centre (with a gross floor space of 1,046 sqm at ground floor only) together with associated external works comprising the insertion of glazing panels and a double door to the rear of Unit 1 at ground floor level and the provision of a new disabled access wheelchair ramp to the front door of Unit 1. Internal alterations include fit out and conversion works through the insertion of partition/stud walls to demarcate areas; provision of a reception area and ancillary shop counter unit; provision of ancillary changing/shower/toilet facilities for gym users and plant room. Existing forecourt car parking are proposed to be reconfigured to provide no. 18 ancillary car parking spaces of which 3 spaces will be wheelchair accessible. These spaces will be retained and allocated for the exclusive use of the proposed gym.
To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Dublin Started on 6th November 2015 take the free trial here.