Permission for: (a) the demolition of the existing freestanding boiler house, prefabricated structures, portion of existing low wall at the north-west site boundary and existing car parking areas, (b) the construction of a single storey extension to the existing primary school, consisting of 7 no. classrooms, a general purpose hall, staff and administration areas, circulation areas and all ancillary accommodation, (c) the minor internal alterations to the existing school building including works to the existing main entrance area, (d) the provision of new on-site drop-off and car parking areas, new fence and wall treatments at the north and west site boundaries, and ancillary site works.


The development will consist of: (A) The demolition of the existing freestanding boiler house, prefabricated structures, portion of existing low wall at the north- west site boundary and existing car parking areas. Area of buildings to be demolished approx. 300 sq.m. (B) The construction of a single-storey extension to the existing primary school, consisting of 7 no. classrooms, a general purpose hall, staff and administration areas, circulation areas and all ancillary accommodation. Area of new extension approx. 1200 sq.m. (C) The minor internal alterations to the existing school building including works to the existing main entrance area. Area of retained and refurbished building approx. 1050 sq.m. (D) The provision of new on-site drop-off and car parking area, new fence and wall treatments at the north and west site boundaries, provision of new external play areas and ancillary site works.

To find out more details on this School Development in Louth Started on 18th September 2017 take the free trial here.

Scoil Naomh Feichin


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