Off-line motorway service area comprising (1) amenity building of 844.7m2 GFA & including convenience shop 100m2 net retail area, food court with deli/coffee area & cafe/restaurant with ancillary drive thru facility & seating areas, ancillary storage, toilets including 24hr facility, food preparation, staff & service areas, with bin storage & service yards to rear, (2) ESB substation & switch room 24m2, (3) a forecourt area comprising of canopy with illuminated fascia & 6 no fuel pumps islands, car servicing area, separate 3 no pump island HCV refuelling area with canopy over, 3 no 40,000 & 4 no 60,000 litre underground fuel storage tanks with assoc pipe works & overground fill points, electric car charging points & car wash facility with plant room 7.2m2 & children play/picnic area, (4) parking to comprise of 91 car parking spaces, including 6 disability spaces, 13 no HCV spaces, ADR parking area, 4 no coach spaces, 5 no motorbike spaces.
To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Tipperary take the free trial here.