The proposal relates to a mixed use development of 462 no. dwellings comprising 219 no. 3 bedroom houses; 100 no. 4 bedroom houses; 26 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 55 no. 2 bedroom apartments, 5 no. 3 bedroom apartments, 28 no. 2 bedroom duplex apartments, 28 no. 3 bedroom
duplex apartments, 1 no. 2 bedroom refurbished Gate Lodge (a protected structure KCC RPS Ref. B05-09); student accommodation consisting of 106 no. student accommodation units (483 no. bedspaces); a local neighbourhood node to include a creche of c. 601 sq. m (including storage 5 sq. m – with outdoor play area of c. 277 sq. m), café of c. 191 sq. m, gym of c. 1,010 sq. m, and a retail unit of c. 438 sq. m. The development will consist of:- A) The provision of: a new c. 800m link street with 1 no. vehicular/pedestrian bridge across the Lyreen River (to include services and rerouted underground ESB and utilities), between Moyglare Road and Dunboyne Road vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access to the proposed development via new access junctions on the Dunboyne Road and Moyglare Road; internal road network including 4 no culverts and pedestrian bridge (across the Crewhill stream), and associated junctions; B) Demolition of the existing vacant 2 storey building (c. 564 sq. m) adjacent to the ‘Divine Word Missionaries’ on the Moyglare Road; C) Provision of 462 no. residential dwellings comprising 2 storey & 2.5 storey detached/semidetached and detached dwellings along with 7 no. 3 storey duplex apartment buildings and 4 no. 4 storey apartment buildings as follows: 1) 46 no. 4-bed 2.5 storey semi-detached [Types A1,A1(D)A1 (V)]; 20. no. 4-bed 2 storey end of terrace [Types A3,A3(V)]; 5 no. 4-bed 2 storey detached [Types A4(D), A5, A3(D)]; 29 no. 4-bed 2 storey semi-detached [Types A2, A2(V)]; 3 no. 3-bed 2 storey – detached [Types B1(D)]; 110 no. 3-bed 2 storey – end of terrace [Types B1, B1(V)]; 36 no. 3-bed 2 storey – wide fronted [Types B3,B3(V)]; 56 no. 3-bed 2 storey – mid-terrace (Type B2); 14 no. 3-bed 2 storey semi-detached (Type B4); 2) 28 no. 2 Bed duplex apartments & 28 no. 3 Bed duplex apartments (in 7 no. 3 storey buildings 3-9 [4 no. 2 bed duplex apartment and 4 no. 3 bed duplex apartment in each block]); 3) 4 no. 4 storey apartment buildings; Block 1 (6 no. 1 bed apartments, 15 no. 2 bed apartments, 1 no. 3 bed apartment), Block 2 (8 no. 1 bed apartments, 8 no. 2 bed apartments, 8 no. 3 bed apartments) Block 3 (6 no. 1 bed apartments, 12 no. 2 bed apartments, 2 no. 3 bed apartments), Block 4 (6 no. 1 bed apartments, 12 no. 2 bed apartments, 2 no. 3 bed apartments); 4) The refurbishment/restoration works (as well as associated internal and external alterations) to the single storey Gate Lodge (a protected structure KCC RPS Ref. B05-09) to include removal of existing rear (modern) extension of c.15 sq. m and conversion into a 2 bedroom dwelling (with new single storey extension c. 74 sq. m and 2 no
parking spaces) to provide an overall floor area of 106 sq. m; 5) 979 no. car parking spaces and 706 no. bicycle spaces to serve the overall development as well as solar panels on roofs of houses/apartments and duplexes) along with balconies/terraces for all apartments and duplex
apartments; D) Student Accommodation of 106 no. units (483 no. bedspaces) and ancillary/services/plant floorspace (use to include short term letting outside academic term time), bin storage and amenity spaces (to include basketball court) as well as a local neighbourhood
node (including 91 no. car parking spaces & 538 no. cycle spaces) located in 7 no. buildings (c. 19,160 sq. m) as follows:- 1) Block A is a part 3 storey (fronting onto Moyglare Road) and 4 storey building and comprises a retail unit (438 sq. m), gym (1,010 sq. m) and Student Accommodation 115 no. bed spaces along with landscape garden at first floor level; 2) Block A1 is a part single storey/two storey building fronting onto the Moyglare Road and comprises a creche of 601 sq. m
(over two floors including storage of 5 sq.m) and a single storey café of 191 sq. m, with entrance clock tower feature of two storeys in height; 3) Block A2 comprises a three storey building and consists of 4 no. own door – 4 bed student units (16 no. bedspaces) 4) Blocks B-E (352 no. bedspaces) comprise 3-4 storey blocks of student accommodation with internal courtyards consisting of Block B (67 no. bed spaces), Block C (128 no. bedspaces), Block D (77 no. bed spaces), Block E (80 no. bedspaces); E) Approximately 7.7 hectares of open space (including
playground areas), to include new Lyreen Riverside Park of c. 4.78 hectares along the Lyreen River/Crewhill Stream as well as all residential open space areas, communal open space area, including all ancillary landscape works with public lighting, planting and boundary treatments (internal and external [to include boundary wall of .c 2m to Divine Word Missionaries’ lands] and for new boundary along Moyglare Road to tie into Gate Lodge entrance, as well as regrading/reprofiling
of site and stream/ditch banks where required as well as provision of cycle paths. F) 1 no. ESB substation in Block B of student accommodation, 4 no. ESB kiosks as well as bicycle/bin stores, and plant room buildings to serve apartment and duplex apartment buildings. G) Surface water attenuation measures and underground storm cell attenuation systems as well as all ancillary site development/construction works as well as connection to existing public water supply and drainage services and provision of construction access from Dunboyne Road and Moyglare Road. H) 1 no. single storey marketing suite and signage (including hoarding) during the construction phases.

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