a) Demolition of existing 355sqm 2 storey Killincarrig House & associated structures,
b) Two apartment blocks of three storeys in height over basement car park (46 car parking spaces & 126 cycle parking spaces) with a fourth storey penthouse level, to include 5 no. 3 bedroom units, 30 no. 2 bedroom units and 6 no. 1 bedroom units,
c) 10 no. two storey houses consisting of 2 no. detached 4 bedroom units, 4 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached units and 4 no. 3 bedroom terraced units,
d) two storey mixed use building with 210sqm (GFA) retail unit with associated signage and permission to sell alcohol at ground floor level, 2 no. 3 bedroom apartments at first floor level with 17 no. associated surface car parking spaces,
e) internal roads, footpaths, associated landscaping, boundary treatment and all associated and ancillary works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow take the free trial here.