EXTENSION OF DURATION PARENT REF: 08/274 A 10 Year Planning Permission is sought. The development will consist of a total of 688 no. residential units, and 1no. creche facility of 476sqm GFA on lands measuring approx. 19.4ha.
The development provides for a total of 405 no. dwelling houses consisting of the following:Type F & F1:20 no. 5 bed detached houses;Type E:21 no. 4 bed terraced houses, Types D, D1 and D2:178 no. 4 bed semi-detached houses.Types C, C1-C5:186 no. 3bed terraced houses. The height of these units is 2no. stories and each has a rear garden.The development also provides for a total of 283 no. duplex and apartment units arranged in separate blocks consisting of the following
Type B and B1:54 no. 3 bed duplex units and 27 no. 3 bed apartments over duplex units, Type A3-A4: 7 no. 3 bed apartments, and Type A and A1-A6: 195 2 bed apartments. The height of the majority of these units is 3 no. stories apart from Types A1, A2 & A3 which are 4-storey. All apartments and duplexes each have a balcony and/or terrace.The Total Gross Floor area of the residential development is 69,907.35sqm.
Planning permission is also sought for the demolition of 1no. farm barn of 520sqm(GFA).The proposed development includes the development of 2no. vehicular accesses from the Ballymakenny Road. Both access roads will pass partly over lands in third party ownership.The development also involves the provision of 3.47ha of public open space, and the provision of 1113 car parking spaces (983 surface and 130 underground spaces)along with all associated infrastructure and site development works including internal roads, bin storage, bicycle storage, landscaping and boundary treatments.
Approximately 1.6703ha of the site area forms part of an overall Linear Park which has been previously submitted for Planning Permission to Louth County Council under Register Reference No. 07/1210 by Euro Construction Corporation Ltd. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)accompanies this application. Significant Further Information 599 residential units reduced from 688 residential units
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Granted permission on 15th November 2018 take the free trial here.