Permission to erect a housing scheme which will consist of 95 no. residential dwelling units and which will comprise of the following:- (a) 2 no. two storey (with dormer to second floor), five bedroom detached dwelling units, (b) 3 no. two storey (with dormer to second floor), five bedroom semi-detached dwelling units, (c) 17 no. three storey, four bedroom terraced dwelling units. (d) 3 no. two storey, four bedroom detached two storey dwelling units. (e) 7 no. two storey, four bedroom semi-detached two-storey dwelling units. (f) 14 no. two storey, three bedroom semi-detached two-storey dwelling units. (g) 3 no. two storey, three bedroom terraced two-storey dwelling units. (h) 22 no. ground floor single storey (under duplex), two bedroom apartment units, (i) 22 no. first and second floor, two storey, three bedroom duplex apartment units, (j) 1 no. ground floor single storey (under duplex), one bedroom apartment unit, (k) 1 no. first and second floor, two bedroom duplex apartment unit, (l) ancillary hard and soft landscaping, (m) ancillary car parking and public lighting, (n) connection to public services with associated attenuation systems, (o) associated boundary treatments, (p) connections and minor alterations to existing and permitted development granted under planning register number 17/1454, currently under construction, including pedestrian, vehicular, services and landscaping connection and assimilation points, with ancillary works, (q) all of the above with ancillary works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Applied for on 26th January 2021 take the free trial here.