Permission for demolition of existing 2 no. dry stores, existing grain store, existing calf house and existing cattle house with slatted slurry tank, permission for retention of existing 2 no. walled silos and concrete apron, permission for change of use of existing machinery shed to cattle house, existing straw store to roofed holding yard, existing dry store to roofed holding yard, existing tank house to roofed holding yard and existing milking parlour to roofed holding yard, permission for construction of 2 no. calf houses, calving house, machinery storage shed, 2 no. feed storage bins, walled silo, concrete apron, milking parlour, roofed holding yard with slattled slurry tank, plant room, dairy, office, dry store, 2 no. roofed cattle feeding areas with 2 no. slatted slurry tanks, 7 no. dry yards, rainwater harvesting tank, cattle house with 2 no. slatted slurry tanks, extension to existing cattle house including extension of existing slatted slurry tank, isolation house with 5 no.
To find out more details on this Agricultural Building Development in Cork Granted permission on 2014-02-25 take the free trial here.