Permission for development on site which has an area of 0.6897ha and is bound to the north by vacant land and the rear of properties at Castle Road, to the east by Scoil Naisiunta Realt na Mara, to the south by the rear of residences at Mill Street and to the west by the rear of residences at Castle Road.
Permission is sought for the demolition of the existing vacant cash and carry warehouses building, clearance of hardstanding, and the construction of a managed, independent living residential development for the elderly. The development will comprise of a part-4- and part-5-storey, 80 unit residential property (62 no. 1 bed and 18 no. 2 bed) with private open space (terraces, balconies, and winter gardens) visible on all elevations, landscaped communal roof garden and courtyard, laundry, communal room and kitchen, office/reception, mobility parking charging room and ancillary /operational rooms: 51 no. car parking spaces, 26 no. cycle parking spaces: landscaping and 2 no. public open spaces: upgraded multi-modal entrance at Castle Road: and all other ancillary site development works including site surfaces, boundary treatments and above and below ground services.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Granted permission on 6th August 2021 take the free trial here.