Permission for the construction of a three storey learning resource centre at cork institute of technology, rossa avenue, bishopstown, co. Cork. The development will consist of (i) a three storey building with maximum gross floor area of 6,666sqm with screened plant set back at roof level, (ii) provision of 143 no. Bicycle stands; (iii) provision of a main plaza and associated landscaping connecting the proposed building with the existing 1970s building (block b & c); (iv) provision of a bus stop and bus waiting area on the existing access road to north of the proposed learning resource centre ; (v) temporary construction signage ; and (vi) all associated site development works. Pedestrian and vehicular access will be from the existing entrances on Rossa Avenue.
To find out more details on this University Development in Cork Granted permission on 2019-12-18 take the free trial here.