PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at Our Lady of Lourdes National School, Goldenbridge, Inchicore, Dublin 8. The site is bordered by St. Vincent Street West and Emmet Crescent. The proposed development consists of:- (a) Phased demolition of the middle section of the existing school building; removal of prefabricated temporary teaching accommodation units and selected trees. (b) Refurbishment and alterations of the retained sections of the building including internal works and application of new insulated rendering system to all elevations and upgrade of existing windows and doors. (c) Construction of a two-storey extension, consisting of a General Purpose Hall, 10 no. Special Education Tuition Rooms, a Multi-purpose Room, a Home-School Liaison Room, a Library, associated offices, balcony to Staff Room, stores, toilets, circulation areas, and ancillary accommodation. (d) Provision of 28 no. on-site car parking spaces; alteration of existing vehicular and pedest

To find out more details on this School Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2015-02-25 take the free trial here.

Our Lady of Lourdes National School

Plans Granted

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