For the construction of 7 number Residential houses at Roslevan, Ennis, Co Clare. This permission seeks to amend previously granted development at this location under planning reference numbers P16298 & P19244. This application seeks PERMISSION for development of the following
1. The omission of two number previously granted 4 bedroom semidetached houses (House Type C numbers 29 & 30)
2. The construction of a) One number (House Type C1 4 bed two storey detached dwelling with attic home office accommodation. b) Six number (House Type F) 4 bed attached_ two storey dwellings with attic home office accommodation. c) Amendment to previously granted internal road layout, parking and green area.
3. All associated site boundary walls, gates and fences.
4. Connection to the previously granted (On site) public mains foul sewer, water and gas networks as well as on site surface water infrastructure.
5. All associated and ancillary site works and services.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Clare Applied for on 18th June 2021 take the free trial here.