Provision for the redevelopment & extension of the existing supermarket on an enlarged site (0.409ha) incorporating the lands to the east & North of the existing site & is a revision to a supermarket/retail development previously permitted under reg ref: TA120273 (Bord ref:PL.17.241109). It will consist of a new enlarged supermarket incorporating off licence and ancillary accommodation at ground floor level with ancillary office/staff areas at first floor level (1848.60 sq.m gross floor area, of which 1,113.80 sq.m is net retail floorspace); 1no. office unit of 88.85 sq.m at first floor level accessed from Main Street. Permission is also sought for new access arrangements which facilitale access to adjoining lands to the north (details as previously permitted), 87no. car parking spaces, bicycle parking, landscaping, revised boundary treatments, signage, bin storage, plants area and all associated site & development works which includes demolition of the existing derelict building on the site.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Meath Started on 2014-05-06 take the free trial here.