Permission for the construction of a three-storey post-primary school building comprising classrooms, science laboratories, specialist teaching spaces, library, offices, P.E hall, changing rooms, fitness suite, general purpose room, special education needs unit, administration rooms, stores, toilets, ancillary spaces, external store, ballcourts, bus set-down areas, surface car parking, boundary walls, fences, vehicular and pedestrian access gates, rerouting of existing overhead ESB lines underground, drainage works, landscaping, signage and all associated site works. The proposed development includes (i) The demolition of existing part single storey part two-storey school building and ancillary sheds, (ii) The relocation of existing temporary prefabricated classrooms and installation of four additional temporary prefabricated classrooms and associated site works for the duration of the construction works, (iii) The construction of the new school building and associated site works, (iv) The removal of all temporary prefabricated buildings on completion of the new school.

To find out more details on this School Development in Cork Started on 2017-07-11 take the free trial here.

Shean Lower


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