(A) Construct a rear two storey extension onto building B previously granted extension planning ref 13/163) and currently under construction. The proposed extension (building C) will consist of the following, 2 no. 49m2 classrooms, 1 no. 63m2 classroom, 2 no. 80m2 classrooms, 1 no. 91m2 classroom, general purpose area and kitchenette (192m2), 3 no. offices, toilet block and new main entrance area. (B) Demolish existing prefab structures (C) Construct a separate extension (building d) consisting of: construction studies room (136m2) wood technology room (66m2) storage area, new side entrance and all associated site works.


Construction of extensions to existing school including new classroom, toilets, wood technology and construction studies and all associated site services.

To find out more details on this School Development in Kerry Started on 16th March 2016 take the free trial here.

Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra


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