(1) construction of a two storey filling service station of 950 sq. Metre gross metres floor area comprising a retail shop (85m2), two storey restaurant with drive thru facility, ground and first floor seating areas and ancillary food preparation, storage, staff and toilet area; (2) installation of 4 no. Fuel dispensing pumps with forecourt canopy connecting to the main illuminated fascia and installation of 4 no. Underground fuel storage tanks with a capacity of 60,000 litres each and with associated pipework and over ground fill points. (3)construction of access road off existing internal road network that links to the r267; (4) provision of vehicle parking facilities to include electrical charging points, a total of 71 no. Car parking spaces, 2 no. Hgv parking spaces, set-down bay for buses, delivery parking, and 5 no. Bicycle stands for 10 no. Bicycles; (5) installation of a foul sewer network which shall connect to the existing foul sewer network and installation of a surface water network including underground attenuation area, interceptors and connection to existing surface water network; (6) on site public lighting to serve the proposed development and connection to the adjoining public water main; (7) installation of associated signage including 2 illuminated totem signs and (8) all associated boundary treatments, landscaping and site development works on a site of 0.74ha.

To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Donegal Started on 2018-01-22 take the free trial here.



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