The proposed development of a new 2 story 900 pupil Post Primary School building, comprising of 30 no. Specialist classrooms, 23 no general classrooms, P.E. Hall, general purpose hall, kitchenette & servery , offices, staff area, 4 class base special needs unit, sanitary and ancillary accommodation. Site works includes the demolition of existing semi-derelict farm outbuildings and livestock pens. Proposed site works to include provision for 95 no car parking spaces, including accessible parking via proposed new vehicular and pedestrian access road, including bus turning circle and drop off and pick up facilities and fire tender access road and new pedestrian link to Rossa College, North Street. External works to include covered bicycle racks, formation of 5 no ballcourts, GAA playing pitch, SNU play area, external storage yard and ancillary site engineering works. External play will not be floodlit. The overall site area will be landscaped with grass and planted areas.
To find out more details on this School Development in Cork Started on 5th January 2015 take the free trial here.